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Crystal Clear Hanging Bags for Jewelry

Great for jewelry or small craft items.

  • Jewelry hanging bags are available with bottom and top loading options.
  • Top-loading bags work better for very small items such as fine beads.
  • Jewelry Packaging Bags are also available with reinforced seams (laminated) to prevent tearing
Product #: J1
$27.28 / Pack
Product #: J2
$29.44 / Pack
Product #: J7
$30.45 / Pack
Product #: J4
$30.24 / Pack
Product #: J1LAM
$31.52 / Pack
Product #: J3T
$33.10 / Pack
Product #: J3
$43.09 / Pack
Product #: J5LAM
$37.26 / Pack
Product #: J5
$36.77 / Pack
Product #: J6
$55.84 / Pack
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